In the film “Seven days in heaven” a professional golfer is taught by an experienced one how to really play golf. One day, the teacher gives his student a palette, paints, and canvas instead of golf clubs. He shows him the golf course, but instead of playing he asks him to paint what he sees. Planning, how to direct the ball requires a very attentive perception of the course, what is in front, how high are the bushes, what are the distances. It appears that the attention of a painter may be a beneficial perspective for a golfer. It gives him a new perspective. Why is it different? Because while painting, we are concentrated not on the next hole, but on what is before us. In social life, instead of bushes, trees, sand traps and ponds, we meet people who may turn out to be facilitators or obstacles in what we do. It might, similarly, be a great idea to look at what is happening to you, not from your role’s point of view, but from a point of view of an ethnographer or a psychologist.
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